


Your child will never be forced to waste his time and potential working for a bad salary, because he will have the ability to generate his own money.

He will be able to choose what to work on, where to live and what to invest in to raise his income level to the height of his life project.


Discounts available until June 10

If you would like that when your child grows up they do not have to condition their life to a salary working for others, being limited in time, money and opportunities, and have financial independence knowing how to generate the money that will allow them to live well for the rest of their life…

 In this page I will explain how this is possible and why it is so important to start between the ages of 8 and 15.

 Plus, I’ll tell you the real story of why I do Trading – and what my father had to do with that decision – and how to finance your children’s future without having to put a single dollar out of your pocket.

 Let’s start at the beginning:

When I was a child I lived in a normal house, my mother was a librarian and my father drove his own cab.

 We were a normal family, with a normal life.

My father began to have a steady client, a Wall Street Stockbroker who was obsessed with gold.

On every drive through the streets of Manhattan, he would talk to my father about the gold market and try to convince him over and over again that he should buy too.

His insistence was so great that he finally convinced him.

My father began to buy one ounce a week, because one of the things that the stockbroker taught him was that he had to have a constant investment plan in order for it to pay off.

In this way he accumulated an interesting amount of gold, which he bought at $35 dollars an ounce. But, when the price of gold was released, each ounce cost $800 dollars.

From $35 to $800!

At that moment our life went Boom! We changed our house, our neighborhood, our school, where we shopped, what was served at our table….

Everything changed.

But, although my father had an interest in the financial markets and tried to play, he didn’t have the knowledge or training. He wanted to repeat his gold feat, but that was just a stroke of luck.

From that experience I learned many things, but today I will share with you just three:

      • That to be successful at something you need to have the right knowledge, because lucky breaks are rare and not repeated.
      • That one decision can impact your life and give you new opportunities.
      • And that what you do together with your children, sows a seed in them that lasts and grows in ways that many times you cannot foresee.

This last I tell you because I owe it to my father that I made it to Trading.

 His gold play was not the only thing.

 Every Friday night at 8 p.m., my father would turn on the television and I would sit next to him and watch «Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser» together.

This was an essential program for traders and fund managers of the time, in which they interviewed the brightest minds on Wall Street, with the intention of giving insight into «the secrets» of the stock market and the economy.

It was there, in the living room, sitting next to my father in front of the TV, that I made the firm decision to start trading.

 If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have started down this path. Or maybe I would have. But much, much later.

¡Trading Kids!

The decisions we make, the opportunities we give them, as well as our own life example, will determine to a great extent the future of our children. That is the great responsibility we have towards them.


We are aware of this and that is why we try to give them the best education possible, but…

If there is something in which the educational system fails with total success, it is financial education.

No child, adolescent or young person receives this type of training, neither at school nor at university, and this makes them vulnerable.

When they reach adulthood they will not know how to manage their money, they will misuse credit cards, they will take out loans without knowing how they will pay them back and they will believe that saving is the answer to all their ills.

Am I exaggerating?

I am sure that you yourself have gone through similar situations or that someone very close to you has experienced the stress of receiving the month’s paycheck and seeing most of that money dissolve into debt.

The worst thing is that this does not happen randomly: the system is programmed so that the vast majority of people have an employee mentality and live this way.

For example, we have all been taught that we must save money.

In the past, those who saved were rewarded by the system. But today, saving is a losing game, because inflation is higher than the rate you receive for your savings.

Saving «for a better future» when the devaluation rate is skyrocketing makes no sense, because those savings will go to zero in less than two decades.

Nobody gets rich by saving.

Having a contingency fund is smart, sure, but hoarding the money in the bank?

Wealthy people don’t save, wealthy people invest.

The key to wealth is learning what to put your cash into and that’s what your kids will learn to do in the Trading Kids Program.

But they’re just kids!

Adults still have many preconceptions about what children and adolescents can learn.

“He’s not old enough for that yet», «he’s too young», «he won’t be able to understand it».

«That children do Trading? That’s crazy!».


Children have an immense capacity for learning, they have fewer limitations than adults and that allows them to have an excellent performance in trading.

I have seen repeatedly, how children become better traders than their parents, they achieve impeccable technical clarity and end up correcting adult trades and helping them to understand strategies in depth.

For them, it becomes a game.

Better yet, trading is like a video game, the best video game of all because they can win money.

They are digital natives and playing the markets from the computer screen becomes second nature.

It’s like learning another language. We adults try hard and our results are not always the best. But children and teenagers learn other languages much more easily.

Because this is another language, it is the language of trading and they will learn to «speak» it fluently, integrating it into their lives and obtaining incredible results

What does your child need to do Trading?

Having the right knowledge and the right information is fundamental, but it is not enough.

It is necessary to put them into practice and the younger you start this process, the better.

I started Trading when I was around 16 or 17 years old and many people thought I was crazy to try it, because I didn’t have the best conditions:

I didn’t have the knowledge.

I didn’t have the capital to do it.

I didn’t have a mentor.

It was a very complex process and I have the firm conviction that, had I started younger and had I had the support of a mentor to guide my learning, my process would have been much faster, with fewer difficulties and more powerful.

That is why I have created this Trading Kids training specially designed for children and teenagers between 8 and 15 years old, because I am convinced that it is a skill that they can successfully develop and, in the future, generate by themselves the money that will allow them to create the life they want.

During one year they will have access to a material specially developed for them with the basics of trading, they will be able to perform their practice operations in the training

platform at any time and they will receive the permanent guidance and guidance of one of my best traders.

Andres Tolosa was a stockbroker and managed portfolios of large firms and companies. Then he started his path as an independent trader under my mentorship, becoming one of my best traders.Since 2018, he has led the Trading Kids program in an exceptional way, with powerful results that go far beyond Trading.

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¡Trading Kids!

"Experience has shown me that children who follow the program attentively and consistently, in addition to learning to do Trading, develop discipline, manage emotions, learn to assume and overcome frustration, develop their analytical skills, autonomy and help them to form habits that extend to various areas of their lives."

Andres Tolosa monitors the trading process of the children in an impeccable way, analyzes and corrects their trades weekly and conducts with them two live sessions per month, in which they will learn financial education, techniques and trading strategies.

This is a mentoring job that allows him to follow up on each of the children and adolescents who are part of the program, which makes them to be in constant progress.

Now then.

When the time comes that your son or daughter is trained and experienced enough to trade in the real market, will they be able to do this on their allowance?

If you’ve ever listened to me, you know that to be a successful trader it’s not enough to have the right knowledge and the right training. You also need to have the right money.

That’s why I’m going to fund your son’s account with $50,000 to trade in the real market and start making his own money.

You, as a parent, won’t need to take a single dollar out of your pocket to fund that account.

But I do have one thing to ask of you: when your son or daughter starts this program, you will also begin a process of accompaniment that will be the key to his or her successful evolution.

Can I count on you?Then let’s do this together.

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Trading Kids Program

The best Trading program for Kids

1,500 USD

$597 USD

  •  Video OnDemand with all the basics and strategy for trading, presented in a practical and entertaining language, a material specially designed for children and teenagers.
  •  One year of training, accompaniment and education.
  • 1 Group session with Oliver Velez every six months to strengthen the concepts learned by your child in the training.
  • 2 monthly live sessions with Andrés Tolosa, director of the program. The sessions are recorded and are always available in Spanish and English.
  •  Access to training platform for two mounth. Your child can connect at any time of the day or night and any day of the week. This platform is a simulator that does not run in real time and therefore can be connected without limitations.
  •  One year of personalized accompaniment and weekly analysis review of their trades made.
  •  Access to the private community.
  • The possibility of being financed by Oliver Velez and receive a profit percentage of 20%
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This is something you should know:

Trading is an activity that profoundly impacts the lives of children and adolescents, and in general, everyone who does it. So you may notice changes in your child:

📈That their concentration and analytical skills improve.

📈They may develop discipline and autonomy.

📈They may manage their emotions better.

This is the transformation they experience, in the words of themselves and their parents:

"My children in the Trading Kids program are motivated, receptive and in expectation of the new things they will learn. Step by step they are cultivating a skill that has allowed them to develop discipline in their daily practices. That is why in our family we are sure that, accompanying them at an early age in the world of Trading, will allow them to successfully achieve the life project they desire".
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Pilar Barboza, mother of Maria del Pilar and Luis Fernando.
"I am 17 years old and I started my learning in Trading at 14. What I have liked most about this process has been the personal growth, as it helps me to improve my decision making, emotion management, independence and autonomy."
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Jacobo Ospina
"It is a rewarding experience that has allowed me to learn about the world of Trading in a fast and entertaining way."
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María del Pilar Barboza
"Trading Kids has allowed me to join this Trading world and step by step I will become a professional."
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Luis Fernando Barboza

Do you want your children to live this experience too?

Logo TK (2)


Trading Kids Program

The best Trading program for Kids

1,500 USD

$597 USD

  •  Video OnDemand with all the basics and strategy for trading, presented in a practical and entertaining language, a material specially designed for children and teenagers.
  •  One year of training, accompaniment and education.
  • 1 Group session with Oliver Velez every six months to strengthen the concepts learned by your child in the training.
  • 2 monthly live sessions with Andrés Tolosa, director of the program. The sessions are recorded and are always available in Spanish and English.
  •  Access to training platform for two mounth. Your child can connect at any time of the day or night and any day of the week. This platform is a simulator that does not run in real time and therefore can be connected without limitations.
  •  One year of personalized accompaniment and weekly analysis review of their trades made.
  •  Access to the private community.
  • The possibility of being financed by Oliver Velez and receive a profit percentage of 20%

Do you have any questions? Let's solve them!

Trading Kids is designed for children and teenagers between the ages of 8 and 15.

We recommend 30 minutes of study time per day. Some children dedicate a little more time..

One session is held on weekdays at 4 p.m. New York time, the second session is held on weekends at 10 a.m. New York time, and lasts for one hour. As you can see, you can be anywhere in the world and participate in this training. If you cannot connect to the live sessions, you will be able to watch the recorded session at the Academy.

Your child must have basic computer skills to connect to the academy and practice on the training platform. They must have access to an email to send their trade charts and be able to use simple elements of a drawing program such as Paint.

You must be able to read, write and use basic mathematical operations

If your child is over 15 years old, it may be more appropriate for your child to take Complete Program Trading. Please contact one of my team members for personal guidance to find the best option for your child.


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Remember that if you are part of my IFT family you have an additional discount. Get in touch with one of my team.


Sindy Zambrano




Paola Charry



Xochipilli Molina



Alina Shvetsova

